Is this for you?

The audience

Weird Shit Investing is designed for the misfits and iconoclasts of the investment industry who need a creative outlet and a support network of like-minded individuals.

If you are looking for a place where you can pick up outside-the-box investment ideas and challenge yourself to impress a truly switched-on audience, read on.

The audience
The audience

Is this for you?

The audience

Weird Shit Investing is designed for the misfits and iconoclasts of the investment industry who need a creative outlet and a support network of like-minded individuals.

If you are looking for a place where you can pick up outside-the-box investment ideas and challenge yourself to impress a truly switched-on audience, read on.

What we are looking for

If you are afraid of being seen as attending the Weird Shit Investing conference because you think its name is offensive or are afraid our emails will get flagged by your employer’s email system, then you are simply not for us.

Our criteria for selecting participants for the Weird Shit Investing conference are demanding yet simple:

Originality of thinking
A willingness to contribute to the conference manual
A good sport at the social part of the event

To be clear, managing a fund is NOT required. Private investors are specifically welcome!

What each participant needs to commit to

Participating in the Weird Shit Investing conference means sharing your ideas with the world and helping others develop the same skills, in the first instance through presenting one idea to the group.

Additionally, you must commit to contributing a one-page summary of your investment idea for “Weird Shit Investing – The manual”, which will be distributed to a wider audience after the event.

You can contribute to the manual without your name appearing. Equally, though, you can use your contribution to promote your work, e.g. by making your full presentation accessible.
